What To Do When We Are closed
NHS North Staffordshire are responsible for commissioning the out of hours service who provide cover for emergencies and urgent problems outside of Leek Health Centre core opening hours.
Community Pharmacist Consultation Scheme
You don’t need to see your doctor – you can get advice and treatment from your pharmacist.
Patients registered with Leek Health Centre, who are entitled to free prescriptions (including a valid pre-payment certificate) can have a consultation at a local pharmacy for any of the following conditions without having to make an appointment to see a doctor or nurse.
- Acne, spots, and pimples
- Allergic reaction
- Ankle or foot pain or swelling
- Athlete’s foot
- Bites or stings, insect, or spider
- Blisters
- Constipation
- Cough
- Cold and ‘flu
- Diarrhoea
- Ear discharge or ear wax
- Earache
- Eye, red or irritable
- Eye, sticky or watery
- Eyelid problems
- Hair loss
- Headache
- Hearing problems or blocked ear
- Hip, thigh, or buttock pain or swelling
- Knee or lower leg pain
- Lower back pain
- Lower limb pain or swelling
- Mouth ulcers
- Nasal congestion
- Pain and/or frequency passing
- Rectal pain
- Scabies
- Scratches and grazes
- Sinusitis
- Shoulder pain
- Skin, rash
- Sleep difficulties
- Sore throat
- Teething
- Tiredness
- Toe pain or swelling
- Vaginal discharge
- Vaginal itch or soreness
- Vomiting
- Wound problems – management of dressings
- Wrist, hand, or finger pain or swelling
If you are not entitled to free prescriptions, you are still able to access the scheme. Medication dispensed under the scheme may be cheaper than a prescription charge, when medication is prescribed by the GP. Please ask at reception for more information.
Minor Injuries/Ailments
Minor injuries/minor ailments can be seen and treated at the following locations:
Leek Moorlands Hospital
Ashbourne Road, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 5BQ
Telephone: 0300 123 1894
Opening hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm (last admission 4.30pm) seven days a week. This is a walk in service and no appointment is required.
The Haywood Walk-in Centre
High Lane, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 7AG
Telephone: 01782 673500
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7.00am to 9.30pm every day
You do not need an appointment but you can use the NHS 111 website and they will be able to book one for you if you prefer
What does the Walk-in centre offer?
The nurse-led service can treat a wide range of conditions:
• Wounds
• Rashes
• Ear Infections
• Sprains & Strains
• Suspected fractures
• Minor Burns
What the Walk-in centre can’t treat:
• Head Injury
• Toothache
• Pregnancy related illness
They can not X-ray children under 5 years of age.
When to go to A&E or call 999:
You should attend A&E or call 999 for serious and life-threatening conditions such as:
• Severe bleeding
• Loss of consciousness
• Suspected strokes
• Chest pain or breathing difficulties
All local pharmacies will also be able to give advice on minor illnesses and suggest appropriate over the counter treatment.
Making The Right Choice
If you become unwell or are injured make sure you choose the right NHS service.
• For symptoms of serious illness, and major accidents choose A&E or 999
• For slips, trips, skin complaints and everything between, choose an NHS Walk-in-Centre, NHS Urgent Care Centre or NHS Minor Injuries and Illness Unit
• For back ache, persistent vomiting and everything between, choose a GP
• For common colds, sickly stomachs, headache, diarrhoea and everything between, choose a Pharmacist
• For wear and tear, sore throats, coughs, minor tips and everything between, choose self-care
Advice On Treatment Of Minor Illness
A Child With A Temperature
If your child is hot and generally unwell, it is helpful to get the temperature down. Give paracetamol syrup (Calpol or Disprol) at the higher recommended dose for the age, at four hourly intervals.
Make sure that unnecessary clothing is taken off (underwear is sufficient) and keep the room cool, if need be by opening a window and turning the heating down or off. If they still seem hot, they should be sponged all over with tepid water for 10-20 minutes either in the bath or the shower. This may need repeating later. Give plenty of cool drinks as well. If despite all this, the temperature remains very high or the child appears very unwell, you should consult your doctor. A child with a temperature will not come to any harm by being brought from home to the surgery and, in fact, the fresh air will often make a feverish child feel better.
Diarrhoea And Vomiting
These symptoms, which can occur together or separately, are often caused by a viral infection, and will usually get better on their own within 24-36 hours. The most important and effective treatment is adequate replacement of the fluid that is being lost and resting the digestive system by having no solids at all for the first 24 hours. Small amounts of drinks should be taken frequently – any clear fluids, even plain water will do (avoid milk and fizzy drinks). Sachets of special powders which can be made up into a drink are available at the chemist (eg Dioralyte, Electrolade and Rehidrat). During the second 24 hours, the same clear fluids should be taken and if the symptoms are settling, toast or dry biscuits can be gradually started, After this stage (day three onwards), normal food and drink can be resumed. If the diarrhoea contains blood or there are severe abdominal cramps or very high temperature, this should be discussed with your doctor. Diarrhoea and vomiting in small babies and very young children (especially under six months old) needs more careful attention, because dehydration (dry mouth, not passing urine, or sunken eyes) can develop, so if the symptoms are not settling, or the child seems weak or generally poorly, then contact the doctor.
Coughs, Colds And Sore Throats
These minor illnesses are usually caused by the ubiquitous ‘virus’ and therefore antibiotics are not of any help in their treatment. Home treatment should consist of rest, plenty of drinks and recommended doses of paracetamol (Calpol or Disprol for children), until the body’s immune system clears the infection naturally. If a cough is accompanied by coloured or bloodstained sputum (phlegm), pains in the chest, or any difficulty in breathing, then your doctor should be consulted.
If you are confronted by a serious problem such as severe chest pain or severe bleeding, call an ambulance (tel: 999) before calling the surgery.
If you feel in need of medical attention, but is not critically urgent you can ring 111