Useful Links & Leaflets
Al-Anon (young people of alcoholic families
Burton Hosptial NHS Foundation Trust
Congleton War Memorial Hospital
Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Macclesfield District General Hospital
North Staffs Carers Association
North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
North Staffordshire Nuffield Hospital
University Hospital of North Midlands
Useful Contacts
Appointments/Enquiries: 01538 381022
Administration: 01538 398658
Out of Hours (Emergencies)
Please telephone the surgery telephone number, 01538 381022, and you will be instructed on how to access the Out of Hours service
Combined Healthcare Reception: 0300 124 0097
NHS North Staffordshire CCG: 0845 602 6772
One Smithfield, Leonard Coates Way, Hanley, ST1 4FA
Leek Moorlands Hospital: 0300 123 1894
University Hospital of North Staffordshire: 01782 715444
Macclesfield District General Hospital: 01625 421000
Douglas Macmillan Hospice (Blurton): 01782 317118
Registrar (Births, Deaths and Marriages): 0845 603 6908
Social Services: 0300 111 8010
Citizens Advice Bureau: 01538 373243
Police Station: 0845 330 2010
The Haywood Walk-in Centre: 01782 673500
High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent