#“Giving Patients a Voice”.
What is a Patient Participation Group?
Put simply, a Patient Participation Group, we call it a ‘PPG’, is a group of patients from this GP Practice who meet with health professionals to discuss topics of mutual interest and to make positive suggestions about The Practice.
Leek Health Centre has had a PPG for many years – it was one of the first Practices to have one. There is a formal structure with a formal Constitution.
When and where do we meet?
At the present time our PPG meets every other month on a Wednesday morning at 10am and meetings last about two hours. The meetings are very user friendly and are fully supported by The Practice.
What do we do?
We take an active interest in healthcare and have a say in how services are planned, developed and evaluated.
What we don’t do!
We don’t discuss patients’ personal health needs and we don’t have access to patients’ health records.
– These are confidential, between Doctor and Patient.
That is why we ask you to provide your contact details when you join us, as they are kept quite separately from your personal health records.
How can you get involved?
Complete the application form below and email it to us at [email protected]
– or ask at Reception.
The only requirements are that you are registered with this practice and want to take an interest in your GP Surgery.
Unable to attend meetings but want to have your say?
Then join us as Virtual Members by giving us your email address. Get updates about topics and have your say by email. – The same application form will do the trick!
PPG Meeting Minutes: